Timing and Discovery

It’s all about timing.  


Almost a year ago I did research for a potential artistic entomology project. It was an area of beauty that I had wanted to discover but had not been able to justify my time with no direct interest. The project ended up being put on hold and I brushed off the plans of spreading and pinning insects. Then on a week during the spring, another project emerged with an interior designer and I received a call for entomology repairs. This was clearly the time for me to develop a new skill.  


I ordered the supplies and specimens to prepare. I read and watched videos over and over again. I began spreading and becoming familiar with the fragile creatures, as it is much different than taxidermy.


The large-scale butterfly project is being planned and prepared. There will be much more to share on this collaboration as it advances. Its elements are color, pattern, and design.

The repair project was straightforward and it introduced me to the entomology frames of Deyrolle, the famous shop of natural history wonders in Paris. The design was perfect for what I was imagining to create and they were kind to help me with an order.


The giant box of frames was delivered this week. I have put one piece together and will be working to create more designs in the following weeks. Please follow me along this journey and watch for fall Open Studio dates.


Custodio started with a focus on preservation and protecting but it is growing into Discovery and choosing which rabbit holes of the natural world to follow.


Elizabeth Putnam